
solarctl #

solarctl 用于集群的安装和集群的管理,犹如 kubectl 一样,它也拥有十分强大的功能,可以用过 -h 了解可使用的命令。

$ solarctl -h
Solar-Mesh configuration command line utility for service operators to
debug and diagnose their solar mesh.

  solarctl [command]

Available Commands:
  attach               Installs the solar in the cluster.
  create-remote-secret Create a secret with credentials to allow Istio to access remote Kubernetes apiservers
  help                 Help about any command
  install              Commands related to Solar components controller.
  iptables             clean iptables to connection istio-proxy .
  istio                Istio control interface.
  istio-operator       Commands related to istio operator installl controller.
  limit                设置当前solar-controller 的集群限制大小数量
  load                 load app demo
  manifest             The manifest command generates and diffs solarmesh manifests.
  operator             Commands related to Solar operator install controller.
  register             register remote cluster 
  rollout              Manage the rollout of a resource.
  uninstall            Commands related to Solar components controller.
  version              solarctl version.
  wasm                 new wasm 
  workload             Commands to assist in configuring and deploying workloads running on VMs and other non-Kubernetes environments

  -h, --help   help for solarctl

Use "solarctl [command] --help" for more information about a command.